Young brothers Josiah and Enoch are advanced Kumon students

Josiah and Enoch are in Grade 3 and Grade 1 respectively, but in terms of their progress in Kumon, they are both doing work way above their school grade level. Josiah is doing fractions and the order of operations of the same, and Enoch is doing multiplication of two digits by 1 digit. Both Josiah and Enoch are on the Advanced Student Honour Role for Kumon at the Brackenhurst Study Centre, because of these amazing achievements!
Josiah and Enoch are the eldest of four siblings. Their parents enrolled both boys on the Maths Programme in their Grade 00 year because they know the value of the programme. Mom Tamsyn worked as an assistant at the Brackenhurst Study Centre for a number of years. She loves the Kumon Programmes, and loved working with all the students and seeing the results that they achieved – whether they were students who naturally could work with numbers or not. So the decision for their own family to do Kumon was a natural one.
Dad is strong academically, and Josiah has inherited dad’s love for numbers. As parents they encouraged, as well as observed, a desire for more stimulation academically in their children from a young age. When it came time to decide on a curriculum for Josiah and Enoch, they focused on education that is geared to more naturally academic children. They believe in an education where the student learns by experience – not just facts; where students are encouraged to read and where play forms part of their learning.
Working on the Kumon Programme from Grade 00 prepared Josiah and Enoch for the concentration they needed for the introduction of their learning subjects when they started school. Both boys had to be reading fluently by the end of Grade 0, and able to do vertical subtraction and addition up to 100. Now, when doing homework, both boys work very independently with all their subjects – not just with the Maths. They both love school, love learning and love being challenged.
Josiah and Enoch are completely different in their approach to Maths, and therefore benefit from the individualised method Kumon provides. Numbers come naturally for Josiah and he has needed to learn to push through when he hits a snag; Enoch is more diligent and is willing to sit and learn until he masters something.
Josiah’s favourite part of the Maths Programme at the moment is the cross multiplying that he gets to do as he works on the fractions. He also loves the fact that Kumon helps him to apply himself to the difficult sums. Josiah loves all his subjects. Enoch is really enjoying the vertical multiplication.
Even though the family is focused on providing the best for the children academically, both parents believe that academics is not everything. They believe that there are a lot of life skills that are just as important, such as being able to take care of themselves, and knowing that there is more to life than school. The children have chores to do at home, and responsibilities, such as taking care of the dogs. It is important for dad and mom that the children learn that they live a privileged life, and that focus is on the building of their character as well. This perspective on the development of their children makes Kumon a natural accompaniment to their education.
As parents they believe that the Kumon Maths Programme does amazing things if you stick to doing it correctly, on a daily basis, including as parent or guardian making the time to mark and correct the work. They advise having your children do Kumon first thing in the morning before school. They believe that if you do put the work into it, it is so worth it. It also teaches your children that anything worth having does take hard work, and that if you consistently and diligently put the work in, you will reap the rewards. Both boys are learning at their young age the value of working well the first time.
From her time working as a Kumon assistant, Tamsyn witnessed that children need to learn the skills and put the work in before seeing dramatic results in the Maths. So, be encouraged parents and persevere with your children.
Dad and mom see the value of Josiah and Enoch completing the programme, and believe that they will do so before they complete their schooling. We think so too based on their progress thus far, and we will certainly be watching with interest as to their achievements in Kumon and in their school careers. May their love for learning be a life-long one. We look forward to Josiah and Enoch’s brother and sister also joining Kumon in their Grade 00 academic year.