It is not often that we as Kumon associates get to witness the actual moment when a Kumon student finishes the last worksheet in one of the programmes. We were privileged to witness Mahika, a student at the Olivedale Study Centre, completing the English Programme in February 2020.
For Mahika, completing the English Programme was a culmination of almost five years of consistent and diligent work, mastering 23 levels of the programme. When she enrolled, Mahika started with spelling patterns, syllables, and learning about sentences. By completion, Mahika had mastered all the skills required to be able to read critically, such as: Figurative Language, the Interpretation of text, Tragedy and Critical Writing. This amazing achievement is put into context when one realises that Mahika is in Grade 9, and was working three years above her school grade level in the English Programme.
Mom Seshini is very proud of Mahika. She believes that both the Maths and the Enlgish Kumon Programmes have been very beneficial for Mahika. When they enrolled Mahika on the Kumon Programmes she was struggling at school with some of her subjects, including English, and she was battling to concentrate. Mahika was also very shy and introverted.
Once on the programmes Mahika’s marks improved. It helped her become methodical and able to prioritise, which improved how she approached her school work. As she progressed it helped her with her study methods, and increased her ability to understand and comprehend that which she was reading. Mahika also learnt to pay attention to detail, which is an important skill to have with any task.
A lovely benefit of the Kumon English Programme is that the skills learnt can be applied to all learning which requires comprehending and understanding text, summarising it for the purposes of learning, and being able to answer questions critically. Mahika says that the English Programme has helped her with her answering of questions in class. She is able to understand more, and to express herself with ease in writing. Mahika enjoys writing, and admits that she now has to work at keeping within the prescribed word count when answering essay questions.
Mahika loves reading, and is very specific about the books she wants to buy and to read. Seshini admits that she was not one of those parents that read to her children when they were small, so Mahika’s love for reading has been developed through the English Programme. Mahika enjoys romance and murder mystery books, with her favourite author at the moment being Ali Carter.
Another benefit that working through the programmes has had for Mahika is that it has freed up time for her to be able to apply herself to other activities, such as netball and softball at school, drama and Indian dancing. Mahika also enjoys drawing.
Seshini believes that the holistic development of your children is important. She believes that Mahika has increased her confidence and discovered what she enjoys not only through Kumon, but by being able to apply herself to cultural and sporting pursuits, which she has time for because Kumon has placed her ahead academically; the time others spend on studying and keeping up with school, Mahika is able to make use of for other pursuits.
Mahika’s advice for other Kumon students is to plan out your schedule for the day and for your week, and to allocate slots for your homework, studying and your Kumon worksheets. This way you stay on top of everything, learn how to prioritise and are able to pace yourself.
Seshini feels that Monique, Instructor at Olivedale Study Centre, has been amazing. As Mahika has progressed and grown in confidence, she has become more independent in her communication with Monique regarding the work she is doing and her journey through the programmes.
Given that the completion of the English Programme is going to free up some time for Mahika in centre, and that she has much experience with the programme, Mahika may in future assist with some of the marking of the higher level English worksheets in centre. Mahika is currently working two years above her school grade level in the Kumon Maths Programme, which means that she is working on higher degrees of equations and inequalities at the moment. We look forward to her completing this programme too, in future.
The journey has not always been easy, but Mahika has learnt that you finish what you start, and that there are things that need to be done in life, so you push through when it is difficult, and get it done. Mahika is also learning that there is great reward and fulfilment in accomplishment, and she will continue to learn that the rewards that she will reap from all her hard work are life-long, and a strong foundation on which to build the rest of her academic career.
We look forward to all that you will accomplish in future Mahika, and wish you well!