Mehul, who matriculated in 2019, is what we refer to in the Kumon world as a ‘double completer’ which means that he has completed both the English (October 2015) and the Maths Programme (August 2019) – which is an incredible achievement! Mehul plans to do a degree in Applied Mathematics, and would like to become a mathematician. He also would like to complete a second degree in Actuarial Science in future.
Mehul’s family enrolled him in the Kumon Programme when he was in Grade 1 at the recommendation of his teacher because he completed the whole maths syllabus in one term and he required more stimulation than what school was providing. He started doing the English Programme as well because he battled to read at school. With Kumon’s focus on showing students how to read using phonics as well as sight-word recognition, Kumon soon helped him to read better, and later in his school career, with the comprehension and summarisation skills students learn through the programme, Mehul was able to absorb a lot of information far quicker or to ‘speed read’ and this helped him with all his learning subjects. The programme also taught Mehul how to manage his time properly.
Completing the English Programme was something Mehul wanted to do, but he was not so sure about the Maths Programme. He was motivated by his Instructor and the assistants at the Constantia Kloof Study Centre, and, he was also encouraged by his family and specifically his sister to continue when he felt like quitting. The Maths Programme made Mehul realise that he does not need a calculator to do calculations, and that his mind is very powerful. The Kumon Maths helped with maths at school, but eventually, he was doing maths that he had not seen at school yet, and then it helped him to be able to focus on his other subjects more as he didn’t need to study for maths at school anymore. The programme also helped him with Applied Maths, which he studied over and above his schools subjects, and which he wrote as a Matric subject.
Mehul’s advice to other Kumon students is to push hard in the beginning and try to do as much as you can earlier, before your school workload gets too much. Motivate yourself to do extra work when you have the time to do so. Mehul also found it very helpful to interact with other Kumon students – especially those working ahead of him.
Besides school work and Kumon, Mehul loves his sport and played tennis and cricket at school, as well as club hockey, cricket and squash.
We congratulate Mehul on being a Kumon double completer, and wish him well with his studies!