Zai has discovered the joy of learning!

"Enrolling my son in Kumon Maths and English has been a turning point for our family. Before Kumon, my son found it challenging to find excitement in schoolwork, even though he understood the concepts well enough. However, since starting both Kumon Math and English, I have noticed a remarkable change.
His confidence in both subjects has significantly improved. In math, he solves problems with ease. His English skills have also blossomed. He reads more fluently and expresses himself with greater clarity, which even his teachers have noticed.
I strongly believe that Kumon's approach is a significant part of his success. The individualized learning plan keeps him challenged without feeling overwhelmed, and the daily practice routine has instilled a strong work ethic. Most importantly, Kumon has helped him discover the joy of learning. Now, he approaches schoolwork with genuine interest, which is truly rewarding to see.
I am immensely grateful for the positive impact Kumon has had on my son's education and overall confidence."
- Zai's Mom, Kamini